The discount or free item associated with the promo code will be applied to your account and will be available for download or purchase.
If the code is invalid, an error message will be displayed.
Sometimes the App may not recognize your purchase immediately after redeeming the code. In this case, you'll need to:
1. Open the App
2. Go to the Settings screen
3. Tap on "Restore Purchases" to ensure your promo code is properly activated
Alternatively, you can redeem the code directly from the App Store app on your Mac. To do this, follow these steps:
If you are redeeming a promo code for a subscription, the subscription will begin immediately after you redeem the code. If you are redeeming a promo code for an app or other type of content, the app or content will be downloaded to your device.
Additionally, here's a link from Apple explaining how to do it in more detail
Let me know if this helped and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you for reading and enjoy sending you notes to your email ❤️
- Manuel Escrig
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