Discover whether voice dictation or typing is faster and more accurate for capturing notes, emails, and reminders in our comprehensive comparison with real test results.
Discover Email Me's game-changing iOS 18 update: Control Center actions, Lock Screen widgets, Dark Mode icons, and more. Boost your productivity now!
Discover Email Me's latest update for iOS 17.
Learn how to add to Email Me your Gmail account SMTP configuration.
Email Me now comes with a new brand screen called Folders and configurations.
I'm currently being featured on the App Store and I'm super excited about it.
Learn how to effortlessly email yourself reminders, notes, and ideas without typing using Email Me App's voice dictation, Siri integration, and share extensions.
Discover tips and tricks to capture ideas, thoughts, and important information on the go, including hands-free recording, automatic transcription, and sharing options.
Make it easier to send yourself notes with Email Me App.
Celebrating a beautiful new website for Email Me App.
Email Me is now taking advantage of all the new iOS 13 features and more.